3x3 board map [bzflag3.tuxee.net:45154]
This server is for rabbit hunt.
Update (May 31, 2005): Unfortunately, I don't have too much time to spent on maintaining this BZFlag server. In particular, the map is no more updated. The source code is still freely available for anyone who want to hack the script used to generate it (see Arch repository on the server homepage.)
Update (Febrary 1, 2005): The 1.10 server was stopped on port 45154. It was replaced with 2.0 server on port 45155.
Update (January 8, 2005): Statistics were in fact re-enabled some days after I stop them. But I think almost nobody use them, so I may probably suppress them completly one day or another.
Update (Decembre 12, 2004): Statistics are no longer updated. I will rework this part of this site later. However, if you're really missing them, let me know.
Update (October 12, 2004): Just a little note about Soul player that ended the game with this awesome score: 486 points (67%) for 440 losses and 926 wins (without Geno flag) !
Update (September 9, 2004): I added a page with statistics about players here. But it's not automatic. For statistics to be gathered about you, you must add the character ~ either at beginning or at end of your email address in bzflag settings. Think about your boss that will be able to see when you really work.
Server usage statistics
Click on the graph for more statistics.
Server on port 45155 for bzflag 2.0
Players statistics
Main page for statistics is here.Admins
Cods is managing this server. The admins are CmdrWoody, Cods, FredZ, Happy Tanker, Mars Explorer, Mr.Death, Smidge204, and Thumper.
Flags distribution
Warning: This list is not up to date. Use /help flag in bzflag client to get the current list of flags.
The current flags distribution in the server:Good flags
- 1 shockwave (SW)
- 1 laser (L)
- 1 super bullet (SB)
- 2 stealth (ST)
- 2 seer (SE)
- 2 burrow (B)
- 2 thief (TH)
- 3 steamroller (SR)
- 3 velocity (V)
- 3 angular velocity (A)
- 3 fast shot (F)
- 3 invisible bullet (IB)
- 3 machine gun (MG)
- 3 oscillation overthruster (OO)
- 3 cloack (CL)
- 3 tiny (T)
- 3 useless (US)
- 3 shield (SH)
- 3 narrow (N)
- 10 identify (10)
Bad flags
- 3 obesity (O)
- 3 momentum (M)